And what we learned was priceless. We share our experience, lessons learned and how we plan to grow this prison program in the future. As always, we also use tangible examples from our everyday life to apply tools and help lead by example.
When the stars align + you do the soul-work required to lead you to YOUR PERSON, the entire universe lights up in celebration. Even in those dark moments of loneliness, hopelessness or despair, there's just a gnawing part of you that KNOWS that you were destined for a cosmic partnership that would make all of your soul-searching, learning, adventuring and [seemingly] unrelated skill sets make sense. Then it happens. Their paths cross, the MAGICAL connection is made and then... the WORK begins.
Every SINGLE day, we put in WORK - on ourselves, with how we engage with each other , how we cultivate our family and how we show up in the world to be of service.
Crack Open a 'Bucha + Join Us
We are committed to leading by example as we work together to shift the collective consciousness through our intimate relationship expansion, intentional parenting techniques, family adventures + RAW, gritty [at times embarrassing] honesty.

This is the tale of getting locked out in the wilderness, in a towel, without our phones or keys, in the woods, the night before we competed in the Spartan World Championship.
We were lucky enough to record this episode LIVE at Spartan Media Fest 2019 sponsored by ATP Science. Enjoy the show.
The Maiden Voyage - SAMPLE

It isn't easy cultivating FAMILY. Kids can be wild + aggressive with how they test their environment AND the people that are in it. They will push the same buttons over and over again trying to understand how each person in the family operates. These "testing" moments can put any sane person over the edge if you aren't prepared to understand WHY and WHAT lies on the other side of navigating through this successfully. Most blended families don't make it past this point without getting pushed into some fairly toxic patterns. It is our hope that in sharing how we intentionally navigate through these moments, we can help you to do the same. Our focus, as a family, is to use the Break Methodology lens to inform our parenting choices, our intimate relationship cultivation and our impact on the collective consciousness. Bringing y'all along for the ride is going to be EPIC.